Fractional CISO? Instructions for Use
7. The management of security incidents
By Roberto Perelli | |
? it is not a question of IF but of WHEN ?.
6. The main sources of cyber attacks
By Roberto Perelli | |
Once again the validity of the? Pareto law? Is confirmed, effectively addressing the main threats drastically reduces the risks for the Company.
5. Mitigation of cyber risks
By Roberto Perelli | |
Risk mitigation is first of all a company decision-making process
4. Risk management
By Roberto Perelli | |
Risk management involves deciding if and what measures to take.
3. The importance of analyzing risks (and not just cyber ones?)
By Roberto Perelli | |
"The world is much more unpredictable than you think" - Richard Zeckhauser
2. What do we need to protect?
By Roberto Perelli | |
"Can't you protect what you don't know exists?" I don't know who wrote it but I fully agree with it.
1. The importance of understanding the organization and context
By Roberto Perelli | |
Security is for business, not against business.